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First Time Free October

Yoga Boosts Mental Health


  • One in five (20%)Australians aged 16-85 experience a Mental Illness in any year…
  • Australians Lose ~ 20 BILLION $’s a year in Lost wages, Lost income, and Spent expenses from Mental Illness alone…

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Illnesses like Depression & Anxiety can be helped and it’s very likely that you and/or other people you know suffer/have suffered/ or will suffer from some mental challenge.

For the rest of October Fire Shaper blazes a path of support for our community because yoga is NOT JUST about stretching or weight-loss.

Help us get the message out about how, what we do, hot yoga helps:

  • Your mind to be clearer,
  • Your emotions to find balance,
  • and Your soul to radiate through…

If you’ve ever felt THE BENEFITS of your practice…

If you’ve ever noticed THE PEACE of mind after class…

If you’ve ever found YOUR TRUE SELF in one of our hot classes..

PLEASE share this email around.

Help us to ignite hope in the hearts and minds of our community and create a haute tribe of Fire Shapers to shape the minds of those around us.


Wed, 09 Oct 2019

Posted by Dr. John


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