Get the Most with Your Fire Shaper Hot Yoga Practice
Yoga alone is not enough for most people to realize their goals. You need to ignite your bodies physiology in such a way that it responds as you desire it to. How do you do that you ask? Well, it’s quite different for most people. Everyone has their own unique qualities, needs and past histories. All of that adds up to the fact that each of us, as individuals, might require something slightly different than another. Finding what works specifically for you is something that, if you pay attention, will happen for you as a result of your yoga practice. These insights may come to you when you are actually in class but, they may also find their way into your life before class as you prepare your day, after class as you get on with your daily routine, or potentially anytime at all during your day/night. Insightfulness is something that usually comes when your not looking for it. Hence the practice can lead you on a path that unlocks the doors to your self-awareness. Moral of the story – Practice…
That being said, there are definately things you can do that “most” people respond positively to which will help you to acheive your goals. Here is one simple technique you can add to your routine which may ignite your internal flame. Within 60 minutes after your yoga or fitness class we suggest drinking a high quality meal replacement shake that is well balanced and contains an un-denatured protein and natural un-refined sugar source. Find something that is earth friendly, meaning no un-natural preservatives or chemicals. These easy to digest nutritional sources can supply your body with the required energies to boost your metabolism and heal your tissues without stressing your digestive system. Yes, I said “meal replacement” and not “protein” drink. You need a compliment of protein, fat and carbohydrates for your body to respond properly. Click Here to see what I use. Try it for 30 days and see what difference it will make in your energy and body composition. Of course, there is more to do but, you have to start somewhere and perhaps sooner or later you will learn more proven techniques to help you quickly realize your goals.