The Weight-Loss Plateau Breaker
Lately your progress has stalled, and it has taken longer than usual to drop even a few pounds, even though you’re following your system correctly. At this rate, you’ve started to worry that you won’t be able to lose those last few pounds to reach your ideal body weight.
When you last stepped on the scale, the needle didn’t appear to have moved at all. You might be asking yourself, “What could I be doing wrong?”
This is when you know you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau.
Weight-Loss Plateaus Are Normal
The first thing you should know is this: Weight-loss plateaus are normal. They can happen to even the most successful people you know who’ve lost a significant amount of weight.
While a weight-loss plateau can occur at any time, clinical trials suggest they typically occur after about six months or after a weight loss of about 11-19 pounds (1).
Why do Weight-Loss Plateaus Occur?
Scientists believe that a variety of factors are involved. Part is how well you can stick to your program, as research suggests that adherence to a weight-loss program can decay over time (1). But mostly it’s just a natural part of losing weight. As your body weight decreases, you require less energy (2).
Your body adjusts to living on fewer calories while increasing energy expenditure (1-2). It begins to resist losing any more weight, so you may feel as if what you’re doing is no longer working.
Getting Past a Plateau
View your weight-loss plateau as a sign that it’s time for a change. Here’s where Isagenix can offer assistance.
Through use of a modified Shake Day, you can raise your level of protein per meal. Extra protein from whey can help to improve satiety, keeping you from munching on other sources of calories, while providing a protein-fueled boost (3-5).
While overall diet and protein are components to getting past a plateau, physical activity matters, too. Mixing up your exercise routine can reinvigorate your training and provide an extra metabolism boost, especially if it involves training at a higher intensity or resistance training at least a few days per week (6).
Exercise combined with protein and proper amounts of sleep can help fuel muscle growth, which may promote a higher metabolism (5-6).
Plateau-Breaking Protocol: Suggested Guidelines
The following is a modifiable protocol that incorporates both high-intensity aerobic and resistance training exercise and Isagenix products, including the Bedtime Belly Buster, known for supporting better sleep and optimal metabolism for the next morning (7):
- Early Morning
- Replace breakfast with IsaLean® PRO (use packet mix or combine 1½ scoops IsaLean Shake with 1 scoop IsaPro®) – 280 calories with 36 grams of protein per meal
- Perform a quick, high-intensity cardiovascular exercise routine designed to boost metabolism throughout the day.
- Mid-day
- Replace lunch with IsaLean PRO (use packet mix or combine 1½ scoops IsaLean Shake with 1 scoop IsaPro) – 280 calories with 36 grams of protein per meal
- Afternoon
- Perform a 30-45 minute high-intensity resistance training workout to optimize muscle maintenance or growth.
- Optional: Follow with 1-2 scoops of IsaPro mixed with ½-1 banana – 36 grams protein (72-144 calories) and banana (106 calories) in 250 calories
- Evening
- Eat a sensible dinner (400-600 calories) with half your plate filled with fruits and vegetables, a quarter plate whole grains, and a quarter plate with lean protein (30-40 grams protein)
- Bedtime (about 30 minutes before bed):
- Bedtime Belly Buster: Take 1 scoop of IsaPro (18 grams protein, 72 calories) mixed with water and Isagenix Greens™ (25 calories)
- Total Calories: 1200-1500
Note: Your protocol may need modification depending on your total calorie needs according to bodyweight. For example, you might include sensible snacks between meals such as half an IsaLean Bar, or Fiber Snacks™ between meals if calorie needs are higher.
The important thing is not to get frustrated. Unfortunately, frustration can often lead people to return to old habits such as overeating or a sedentary lifestyle that led to weight gain in the first place.
With the modified protocol, along with regular weekly Cleanse Days, you might notice weight loss will start off slowly. A person’s initial weight loss will always be more rapid, but generally aim for 0.5-2 pounds of healthy weight loss per week combined with respective muscle gains.
- Franz MJ, VanWormer JJ, Crain AL, et al. Weight-loss outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of weight-loss clinical trials with a minimum 1-year follow-up. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007 Oct; 107(107):1755–67.
- Hall KD, Sacks G, Chandramohan D, et al. Quantification of the effect of energy imbalance on bodyweight. Lancet. 2011 Aug 27;378(9793):826-37. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60812-X.
- Frestedt JL, Zenk JL, Kuskowski MA, Ward LS, Bastian ED. A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2008;5:8.
- Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Protein, weight management, and satiety. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008;87:1558S-61S.
- Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Nieuwenhuizen A, Tome D, Soenen S, Westerterp KR. Dietary protein, weight loss, and weight maintenance. Annual review of nutrition 2009;29:21-41.
- Longland TM, Oikawa SY, Mitchell CJ, Devries MC & Phillips SM. Higher compared with lower dietary protein during an energy deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Mar;103(3):738-46.
- Madzima TA, Panton LB, Fretti SK, et al. Night-time consumption of protein or carbohydrate results in increased morning resting energy expenditure in active college-aged men. British Journal of Nutrition 2014;111:71-7.
original article found here